I wish I could sing

I wish I could sing
Not because you can sing, love to sing, re-found yourself on stage
Remember how you always used to try to harmonize with me and it would totally screw up my barely staying on key song and I’d get mad?

I wish I could sing
Not because everyone else you’ve decided to fuck can sing
Remember how we used to sing Grow Old Along With Me together and how it somehow was an easy enough song for me to sing?

I wish I could sing
Because then I could breathe the words out to more than this page
Remember singing me to sleep as I rested safely in the nook of your arm, then sliding out of our bed when I was asleep?

I wish I could sing
Because then I could write catchy songs instead of whining blogs
Remember that night in the park when I was 16? On a blanket with friends, and you sang Younger Than Springtime to me as I blushed?

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